Television Writing
The Benson Sisters have written and produced episodes of Nickelodeon’s Star Trek: Prodigy, Netflix’s He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Wu Assassins, The 100, and YouTube’s Emma Approved.

Wu Assassins

The 100
Episodes written by the Benson Sisters:
Season Three
313 - Join or Die
Season Four
411 - The Other Side
Season Five
510 - The Warriors Will

Emma Approved
Episodes written by The Benson Sisters:
Episode 49: The New Girl
Episode 50: The Bachelor
Episode 58: Ship Shape
Episode 61: The Usual Suspects
Episode 62: Baby Bump
Episode 65: Big Girls Don’t Cry
Episode 66: All Apologies
RT @TheJulieBenson: Every Mom on Christmas morning watching you open presents: https://t.co/m7hI1qYoVz
Ok. So here's the deal... We recorded a bunch of eps for our IGTV, but are having technical difficulties. We promis… https://t.co/3VJztynX46
Ok. So here's the deal... We recorded a bunch of eps for out IGTV, but are having technical difficulties. We promis… https://t.co/iOAj4SYNQW
Working on ideas for our IGTV writing channel but interested in what YOU want to hear. Tweet at us and we'll give y… https://t.co/9L6jeRFlhV
RT @austinfilmfest: Meet our #PanelistOTD duo @TheJulieBenson and @ShawnaBenson, writers of #WuAssassins, @cwthe100, and the upcoming a… https://t.co/s1PX1T9Z4K